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The Long Dark Preppers Cache

I finally found THE BUNKER, after many days of walking around. Uploading this video, just so people may see a possible location for Prepper's Cache:) P.S. The Rock Cache serves as a landmark and container. Build a landmark to help you navigate, and create emergency supply caches along commonly travelled routes. Review your Caches in the Journal, and leave notes on what you’ve stored in them so you can find vital tools or resources in the future. The Long Dark – How to Find Hank’s Prepper Cache. We show you how to find Hank’s Prepper Cache and what you need to do in order to find the key and code needed to open Hank’s Hatch.

Storing food is one of the best ways you can be prepared. The best prepper food storage containers are the ones that preppers have been using for decades and are tried and true. Some have been around for centuries and others only a few decades. Storing food has always been one of the cornerstones of prepping and preparedness. As supply chains become more and more reliant on ‘just in time’ delivery there are less resources available to help when disasters or catastrophes strike. When this happens, food supplies can easily be disrupted and leave a lot of people hungry and looking for food. Keeping food stored is one of the most cost-effective ways to be prepared for these events, and having the proper food storage containers can ensure your success and survival. Whether you are increasing your pantry size or starting a long term food storage supply, the type of prepper food storage containers you use can make all the difference.

Prepper Food Storage Container Requirements

A good food storage container holds food and doesn’t leak. A great storage container for prepping will need to achieve five basic requirements. Make sure your containers and storage space meet these requirements:

  • Temperature Management: Keeping your food storage cool is a key requirement for helping it last a long time. 60 degrees Fahrenheit is a good target for a pantry.
  • Pest Control: Keeping bugs and rodents out is no joke. Choosing containers that are more difficult for them to infiltrate should be a high priority.
  • Light Blocking: When exposed to light, food can break down. Blocking light from getting to whatever you are storing can only help.
  • Air Tight (Humidity and Oxygen): The most important part of a storage container is to be air tight. Excessive humidity and oxygen are both enemies of well preserved food.
  • Storable: Choosing a storage solution that is stackable is best. Many containers that are stackable still have stack height limits, which will require more shelf space when you store them. Having containers that do not stack make you lose some storage efficiency too.

If you can find food storage containers that meet all of these requirements then you will be off to a good start of preserving your food for the maximum time possible.

The Food You Store

The food you store is only as good as the food storage container, and vice versa. The best food for long term storage are the foods that best resist rot. Food with low moisture content is the best for rot resistance, and those include beans, flours, grains, dried fruit, milk powder, and jerky. There are many other foods that store well, and as a prepper you will want to consider calories, protein, and nutrients. We list some containers below that come with food, so be sure to know the shelf life of what you are getting, the nutritional content, and the calories. It is best to keep an inventory of what you store so you can know when to cycle out expired or older items and replace them.

1/7 Reusable Plastic Containers

You can re-use plastic containers for ‘shorter’ long term storage. Your target storage period for reused plastic containers is a 2 year shelf life or less. There are several types of plastic containers you can use:

Plastic Bottles: With a little bit of cellophane, you can turn a two liter bottle into a great way to store rice, beans, sugar, or other pourable items. You will just need to make sure it is clean and thoroughly dry. Wash out the inside with dish soap and hot water. Add a few drops of bleach and then rinse it out and set it out to dry. Check that it is truly PET plastic by checking for the small PET triangle on the bottom of the bottle. When you fill it, put in an oxygen absorber half way up to help improve the shelf life even further. Two liter bottles hold a fair amount of food and are not as heavy as a five gallon bucket, which can make them easier to handle.

Tupperware: Sealable plastic bins have changed the world. If you are prepping food for your weekly meals, or transporting food to a friend’s house, plastic storage bins can get the job done. They are dirt cheap these days and are very easy to use. While they can leach, stain, and scratch, as long as you use it for short term storage as intended they are nearly unbeatable.

Ea sports cricket 2007 stroke variation patch free download. While all plastic will eventually leach into the food product, if you cycle what you are storing out at least every six months, it should not be a problem. Plastic containers are great because they do not break as easily as glass, are cheap, and are reusable. If the plastic containers you are using are clear, it is best to store them in a dark closet or room so the light will not degrade your food storage.

2/7 Mason Jars

The long dark prepper cache 2019

Mason jars are versatile glass jars that are widely available and commonly used for food storage. They have been used for over a century, so you know they are tried and true. You can store dry goods in mason jars or you use them for canning. To use them for dry storage, just load it up with the rice, beans, sugar, or whatever you are storing up to about ½ and inch from the top and then put in an oxygen absorber. Always use a new lid when you store food in a mason jar so you can get a good seal. Put the lid in hot water to soften the seal ring. Then pull it out and thoroughly dry it and screw it down tight on your jar. Using jars for canning is a whole process on it’s own. If you are interested to learn how to preserve food using canning, you should pick up the Complete Book of Home Preserving, the highest rated canning book on Amazon. You will want to store mason jars in a dark closet, since the jars are clear and do not block light. Use sturdy shelves when storing mason jars because the weight can add up very quickly. If you use wooden shelves, you can make your mason jar storage more secure by tacking a strip to the front of your shelves to create a lip. Even if you are not in an area that sees earthquakes often, it is best to be safe with your food storage. You don’t want to create an avalanche of mason jars on accident, and the lip can help prevent this. As another precaution to prevent broken mason jars everywhere, it is always better to build more shelves than to stack mason jars- don’t rely on those slippery glass bottoms!

3/7 #10 Cans

These are not your normal cans of beans- these are the big ones. They are the type that many restaurants use, so they are large portions and meant to stack and store. These cans come pre-packaged from many different sources and are one of the best options for food storage. They will not shatter like glass containers and are strong and stackable. They block light, are air tight, and cannot be chewed through easily by rats. All of these attributes make them the go-to for the military. While the cans are not easily reusable, they make a great option for packing away food for long term storage. There is a huge variety of foods available, and most of them taste surprisingly good. Some good vendor that pack #10 cans with some good food include:

  • Home Storage Centers (LDS canneries)

If you can find a local cannery, you may be able to get the best variety for cheaper than the online sources. You will also have the opportunity to make connections, ask questions, and know exactly what is going in your stores. Mkvtools 3 3 2 download free.

The Long Dark Preppers Cache

4/7 Food Grade Buckets

These are not your typical 5 gallon buckets from the Home Depot. Food grade buckets are made of a different type of plastic to prevent leaching. They cost a little more than your typical buckets, but are worth it for the added safety and flavor of your food. Food storage buckets should be made with high density polyethylene without BPAs, and be manufactured to meet NMFC, FDA, and UFC requirements. A bucket could have the triangle on the bottom with the number two and the HDPE mark, but not be food grade. This could be due to the construction method, not being able to provide a secure seal, made of reused materials, or even reused themselves after chemicals or paint. HDPE buckets are still porous, and can absorb chemicals stored in it. Make sure that you purchase from a reliable source so you don’t get duped. If you do decide to get used buckets, make sure they have only been used to store food and be prepared to clean them thoroughly.

A rubber mallet is a great tool to have to seal food grade buckets. Place the lid in its place on the filled bucket, and whack the lid into place around the perimeter of the lid. Once you have secured the lid, you can test for a good seal by picking the bucket up by the lid. The weight of the food stored is a pretty good test for whether the lid is securely attached.

You can store all sorts of foods in a food grade bucket. Buckets also double as great survival kit items for random uses. Be aware if you use you food grade bucket to hold chemical or anything that could hurt the integrity of the bucket, that you shouldn’t reuse it for food again. How to install app on mac. While you can probably find good options locally for cheaper, food grade buckets are available online:

The Long Dark Cache Locations

5/7 Mylar Bags

Mylar bags are a great way to store food. Many store bought food buckets and containers have the food inside portioned off in mylar bags. You can also buy prepackaged food in them individually at many stores. You can buy the mylar bags themselves individually or in bulk with built in ziplock seals or without. Both bags can be closed by heat sealing them with special tools, irons, or hair straighteners. Sealing the ziplock mylar bags with heat is additional protection for your food and a good practice. It never hurts to have multiple seals on your storage containers. Oxygen absorbers are often used in mylar bags, and some people even vacuum pack them by putting a straw down the side. When the bag gets vacuum packed, the straw allows the air to escape and then it can be pulled out and sealed. You can find some great deals online for mylar bags, and many of them include oxygen absorbers:

6/7 Meal Ready to Eat (MREs)

This military food solution is a prepper favorite. These prepper food storage containers obviously come filled, and are one of the preferred grab-and-go solutions for many mobile kits. MREs were first served to soldiers in 1980 and have been appetizing and disgusting servicemen ever since. Wheel horse 520h manual. I find it odd how polarizing these little packs are and have met people that can’t stand them and other that love them. I always found that the included Tabasco sauce makes any of them easy to hold down. They are designed to have approximately 1300 calories each, broken up into 55% calories from carbs, 35% from fat, and 15% from protein. MREs are pretty resilient, with a shelf life of 3+ years at 80 degrees Fahrenheit. At 60 degrees they last over 10 years. They are meant to be mobile and lightweight, which makes them great to include in bug out bags and get home bags. You can grab and go with the best of them with an MRE- no need to set up camping stoves or scrounge up utensils. The included heaters, utensils, and condiments come in handy because the entire contents is encapsulated in a pouch. If you don’t need these items, some MREs are available without the chemical heater at a lower cost. The heaters are pretty neat, and work when one ounce of water is added to the pouch holding magnesium iron. This makes the water boil, and heats up all the chili mac you put next to the heater. Many MREs are sold to civilians without heaters due to shipping regulations, so it is best to have another way to heat them up if that is the case with yours. Even if the MREs you get do include heaters, it is always best to have a backup plan anyways. You can buy a case of twelve MREs with heaters online for relatively cheap:

7/7 Grocery Cans

The Long Dark Preppers Cache Pleasant Valley

This option requires the least amount of work and time investment. You can stock up on these regular sized cans on each trip to the grocery store for one of the easiest ways to build a stocked pantry. Grocery cans range in size from 12 ounce cans to #2.5 cans, so you have different portion sizes to choose from. There is a big variety, they are widely available, and they are cheap- so they naturally are a good choice for those looking to begin prepping. Canned meats, vegetables, and fruits are all great building blocks for a food stash. Check the labels for calories and nutritional value, and try to get high calorie cans as well as balanced variety of nutritional values. Some cans label multiple servings inside the same can, so you may need to do a little math to get the total values. Ready-to-eat canned foods are good to have around for small disasters since they are less of a hassle to prepare. You can concentrate on more important matters if you just heat and pop open a can of soup or chili.

The Long Dark Prepper Cache Map

The Final Word

Food storage should be an integral part of any prepper’s contingency plans. The best prepper food storage containers should not be overlooked if you want your food stores to last. Storing your food in the right containers can give you peace of mind when it comes to your family’s sustenance. If you are starting from scratch, start small and work your way up. I personally prefer to rotate out my pantry using the first in, first out (FIFO) inventory technique. This ensures that I don’t have much food expire (if any) and gives me good visibility of what I actually have stored. Whether you stash your food for 15 years, or rotate your supply every 6 months- the right prepper food storage containers can give you a leg up with your shelf life. Keep exploring, stay prepared, and be safe.


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The Long Dark is an unforgiving survival game, and its recently released singleplayer story mode offers its own set of challenges. This Guide Hub will be your one-stop source for all the help you need, whether it be about surviving on your own in Survival mode, or how to complete one of the many missions in the Story mode. We’ll keep you warm, well-fed, and alive.

How-To And Location Guides

  • The Long Dark – Carter Hydro Staging Area Gate Key: We’re going to help you find the Carter Hydro Staging Area Gate Key in Episode Two: Luminance Fugue.
  • The Long Dark – How to Hunt Bears: Follow this guide to know how you can hunt bears in The Long Dark, which weapon is best for the task, and some other interesting tips.
  • The Long Dark – Transition Zones and Region Maps: There is a saying that The Long Dark is best enjoyed when you have no idea where you’re going. However, this is not true at call – here are some Transition Zones and Region Maps (the most complete and up to date map) from a casual players that will help you in the long run in The Long Dark.
  • The Long Dark – Save File Location: It is necessary to move your The Long Dark Save File to another folder so that the new content that was not throughly tested and release with bugs and other major issues don’t affect it. Follow this guide to know the exact location of the Save Game File.
  • The Long Dark – How to Find Hank’s Prepper Cache: Hank’s Hatch is locked with a code. In order to find the code, you have to first complete the Jeremiah’s Folly quest. Follow this guide to know everything about the Hank’s Prepper Cache.
  • The Long Dark – How to Unlock the Logging Camp Trailer: During The Long Dark‘s second episode of its story mode, Wintermute, players will encounter a locked trailer in the Logging Camp on the Mystery Lake map. This trailer is locked for a reason, as it is part of the Lake Gunshots quest line. You receive this quest line as you chat with Jeremiah and raise your trust level with him.
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  • The Long Dark – All Lake Cabin Key Locations: The Long Dark story mode can be a bit overwhelming. There are dozens of caches and keys that players need to find. Some progress the main story, and others are optional side quests. If you’re like us, though, you want those keys and quest items to complete everything you possibly can. Today, we’re going to show you all three Lake Cabin Key locations to the Lake Cabins in Mystery Lake.
  • The Long Dark – How to Open the Lock Box in the Farmhouse: If you’re running low on emergency supplies in The Long Dark‘s story mode, Wintermute, there is a Lock Box full of them in the Farmhouse near Milton. Towards the end of the first episode, Grey Mother will task you with fetching some items for her from the nearby Farmhouse. While you’re there, you should make sure to get the supplies from the Lock Box. Unfortunately it’s locked, but the key isn’t far away.
  • The Long Dark – All Bank Deposit Box Key Locations: Most players who own The Long Dark are currently working their way through the first two episodes of Wintermute, which is the name for the game’s story mode. Episode 1: Do Not Go Gentle, features a few side quests and main quests. Some of these quests will require you to hunt down a Bank Deposit Box Key for each of the four deposit boxes. Of course, you’ll also have to know how to unlock the bank vault to even get to this point.

The Long Dark Preppers Cache
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